About Us

About Us

Yes, In My Back Yard!

At YIMBYana, we advocate for housing affordability in all forms in Indiana, as well as housing-adjacent issues like urban transit and sustainability. We were founded by in 2024 in Bloomington, one of the most expensive cities in Indiana. We hope to make Bloomington, and eventually all of Indiana, affordable and livable by reducing exclusionary zoning, improving walkability, and removing barriers to market-rate and affordable housing.

Our Work

Summit District

In May 2024, YIMBYana founder Kyle Davis spoke in the City Council meeting that ended with the approval of 4,250 new homes on the Southwest side of Bloomington. This was a major step forward in addressing Bloomington's demand for housing.

Bloomington Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Amendment

In June 2024, we worked with Stronger B-Town to put together and submit a thorough proposal to address excessive barriers to housing in the city's UDO. The central goals were to legalize "missing middle" housing, create walkable neighborhoods, promote affordable housing options, and reduce the costs of building new homes in Bloomington. You can find the details here.